Puhastumisel mobiliseerime me oma organismi toksiinide ohtrale väljutamisele:
– maksast ja sapipõiest – vana sapi, kolesterooli, sapijuhadest ja maksarakkudest
-toksiliste jääkide väljutamine.,
– soolestikust– eemaldatakse parasiidid, lima, sooleseina kiled, seedimata toidujäänused.
– puhastatakse organismi vedelikke – veri, lümf, koos nendega samuti ka neere, liigeseid, kopse ja nahka.

Detox-course –  the purification of an organism 

It is not a medication, it is prevention and renovation of an organism

3-day course of stationary purification an organism from Friday to Sunday ( account on-line www.u11hotel.com.):

  • Consultations and lectures
  • An evacuation of stomach and liver
  • The general medical massage, reflexotherapy
  • Honey and reflex massages
  • Treatment by clay, compresses
  • Baths, pool
  • Soft therapy of internal organs
  • Residing in a double room at hotel spa “U11”
  • Individual medical advice for further improvement at home – a diet, etc.


Upon the termination of the program each patient receives a personal plan of a diet developed by the experts of the center according to specific features of an organism. The subsequent independent work referred to continuation of the process of improvement, is supervised by doctors of the center at will of the patient.

It is necessary to have with:

  • 2 big, 1 small terry towel,
  • 1 litre of potable still water (for example Evian…)
  • Slippers and a swimming suit for sauna and a swimming-pool,
  • Warm socks, a cap
  • Clothes and footwear for walks in any weather,
  • Comfortable clothes (a sports suit, T-shorts, a warm jacket
  • a pen (to fill in papers and tests)
  • good mood!


Available Dates of the courses 2024
23-25.02.2024 09-11.08.2024
08-10.03.2024 23-25.08.2024
22-24.03.2024 06-08.09.2024
05-07.04.2024 20-22.09.2024
19-21.04.2024 04-06.10.2024
03-05.05.2024 18-20.10.2024
17-19.05.2024 01-03.11.2024
07-09.06.2024 15-17.11.2024
05-07.07.2024 06-08.12.2024